Hier haben wir es mit einem relativ seltenen Exemplar aus dem Hause Mesa™ zu tun: Einer 4x12er “Halfback”, die oben (offen) mit 2 Stk Black Shadow MC-90 Speakern von Celestion™
und unten (geschlossen) mit 2 Stk Black Shadow EVM12-L von ElectroVoice™ bestückt ist.
Während die MC-90 für einen sehr offenen und breiten Sound sorgen, sind es die unteren, 200 Watt belastbaren EV’s im geschlossenen Teil des Cabs, die dem Cab den Extra-Druck verleihen.
Aufgrund des hohen Gewichts der Originalbox sind wir sehr froh darüber, daß unser IR-cab pack auch für Gitarristen mit Rückenproblemen bedenkenlos anwendbar ist!
Das auf den Messungen dieser Box basierende IR-Cab Pack enthält Close-Mic IRs, Midfield- & Farfield-IRs sowie eine persönliche “Selektion” unserer Lieblings-IRs.
Resonanzfrequenz: 90 hz.
h.zankl (proprietario verificato) –
Unusual tones for a 412
Nice, rare cabinet, a 212″ open back combined with a 212″ closed back in a 412 enclosure. Both parts really sound different, due to the construction and the speakers, the open back part sounds very transparent and fresh, while the closed back adds more bottom, as you usually expect it from a Mesa Boogie cabinet. Vox meets Mesa Boogie, somehow.
Good for some more transparent high-gain, than you usually expect from a 412, maybe you could define it as some good, complex sounding prog rock tone with more present, but very naturally sounding bass and treble than mids. Also sounds very good clean or only with some decent overdrive.
Very unique tone, also due to the Celestion / EVM combination.
An advantage of the valhallIR’s is, that you get IR’s from all 4 speakers, as the A and B’s here sound very different than the C and D’s, so individual mixing enables a lot of different tones between more open back transparency and more closed back punch.
zack_zoll (proprietario verificato) –
I bought this for a Strymon Iridium, which is mostly being used for recording. So, keep that in mind.
I used to own a similar speaker setup years ago – I had a 2×12 Mesa with two Black Shadows, and I wanted to upgrade to EVs (since I was young and thought stock MUST be worse!), but could only afford to buy one speaker. I was playing rhythm guitar in one heavy band and lead in another, and this is the larger version of what I played lead on. I stumbled into this sound by accident – I can’t believe somebody went and made an IR for it! When I saw it, I knew I had to pick it up.
This … probably shouldn’t be your first IR. Between the different speaker selections, and the open/closed combinations, and the natural difference from speaker-to-speaker, it’s harder than most to dial in an IR sound that you really like.
That said, you can make a really great, unique sound with it that can be really heavy, while at the same time not getting in the way of other instruments or taking up any more sonic real estate than it has to.
I’m not hugely fond of this IR as a single guitar sound. But, to be fair, I didn’t like my cab for solo stuff either.
You can blend a couple mic options to get a good sound, but it’s more work than using a different IR, and still has a funky midrange. But as a second guitar, or as an overdub? This is absolutely incredible for that.
If you play heavy music – especially tight-sounding music like prog – you should get this IR. It’s a little wonky-sounding when you’re doing your demos, sure. But you’ll be shocked how often you use it to reinforce a section or two, and how fantastic it sounds when it’s not the main guitar sound.