Hier haben wir es mit einem ausgesprochen edlen Exemplar von Gitarrenbox zu tun:
Basierend auf Messungen einer Kammler Tunator® MonoKai , die mit einem Celestion® AlNico Cream 12″ Speaker bestückt ist, besticht dieses Boutique-Cab durch die metall-lose
Verbindung des Speakers mit dem aufwändig konstruierten und stark verstrebten Open-Back-Gehäuse.
Speziell mit Class-A Combo-Amps ist diese Box eine echte Offenbarung.
Wer mehr über diese exklusiven und an Qualität kaum zu überbietenden Produkte erfahren möchte:
Resonanzfrequenz: 52 Hz
h.zankl (proprietario verificato) –
The Cream for me is an excellent allround alnico speaker with a more contemporary character, compared to the more vintage voiced Blue or Gold. Sounds similar to the Gold, but with an noticeably better bass response, which – apart from all other sonic qualities – usually has been the weak point of (vintage) alnico speakers. The Cream seems to work fine and reacts very dynamically in this cabinet, it really seems to breathe.
The very good IR’s give you a 112-typical, direct, straightfoward alnico-tone, a closer mic setting in combination with one of the also excellent ambient mic IR’s adds additional, wonderful dimensionality.
Andreas Gammauf –
Thank you for the reviews. We found them very objective, informative and useful and are very happy, that you like our stuff.
George Williams (proprietario verificato) –
I started with the Teaserpack and found the Kammler IR very good n that pack, so I then bought this Kammler IR pack. They are excellent. I have been using different IRs from different suppliers for different guitar tones on a blues rock album I am recording, but I have now re-recoding all the parts just using the Valhallir Kammler IR’s. Just brilliant!